“Efficient Global Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions” Jones, Schonlau, Welch, Journal of Global Optimization, December 1998

Engineering objective: optimize $f$ function/simulator, with lowest $f$ evaluations as possible.

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Basic idea

create some $\color{blue}{models\ of\ f}$ based on few evaluations $x={X}$

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

(simple) Kriging

  • $m(x) = C(x)^T C(X)^{-1} f(X)$
  • $s^2(x) = c(x) - C(x)^T C(X)^{-1} C(x)$
  • $C$ is the covariance kernel $C(.) = C(X,.)$, $c(.) = C(x,.)$

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Efficient Global Optimization

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Let’s define the Expected Improvement:

which is (also) analytical thanks to $M$ properties…

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EGO: Maximize $EI(x)$ (*), compute $f$ there, add to $X$, … Repeat until …

  • + good trade-off between exploration and exploitation
  • + requires few evaluations of $f$
  • - often lead to add close points to each others …
    Which is not very comfortable for kriging numerical stability
  • - “one step lookahead” (myopic) strategy
  • - rely on model suitability to $f$

(*) using standard optimization algorithm: BFGS, PSO, DiRect, …

EGO - step 0

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EGO - step 1

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EGO - step 2

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EGO - step 3

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EGO - step 4

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EGO - step 5

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EGO - step 6

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EGO - step 7

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EGO - step 8

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EGO - step 9

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